
Favorite Recruiting Stories

When asked for her best story, Marilyn struggled, because so many are good. But, this one surely stood out! ...

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Top 10 Interview Rules to Follow

Having conducted several interviews over the past few months for our expanding office in Salt Lake City, UT (as well as daily phone interviews with consultants) there are 10 important interview rules that if followed, create a strong foundation for the prestigious “next steps” in...

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Ramble on…

Last week five separate candidates were rejected for rambling. Today, we'll explore the ramble. Rambling is not to be confused with fillabustering. "Fillabustering" (worse than the ramble) is the act of talking nonstophopingthatthequestionaskerwillnotnoticeandcannotdecideifheshouldcutyouoff. Whew. That is the fillabusterer. Believe me, Filla, you are not getting...

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Companies Can “Own” Your Resume!

I bet you thought you owned your own resume, right? We can review legalities, technical implications, and talk about limited licenses, rights to use, etc., but ultimately, I’m quite certain candidates believe it is actually they who own their resumes – not the agency with whom...

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