Top 10 Interview Rules to Follow

Top 10 Interview Rules to Follow

Having conducted several interviews over the past few months for our expanding office in Salt Lake City, UT (as well as daily phone interviews with consultants) there are 10 important interview rules that if followed, create a strong foundation for the prestigious “next steps” in the process of obtaining a new position:

Interview Rules

  1. If you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time you’re late and if you’re late, no job for you.
  2. Dress to impress but you’re not going to a wedding or GQ runway show, simple yet business is best.
  3. Besides maybe your car keys, a padfolio with resume(s), there is no need to lug anything else into an interview so leave the purse, backpack, lunch box and significant other in the car.
  4. Make sure if you’ve put something on your resume, you know it, you know when you did it, you know why you did it and you know how it made you feel (either good or bad).
  5. Be engaging! I cannot stress this enough, if you make the interviewer do all the work they’re going to wonder how serious you are about putting “hard working” in the skills portion of your resume – quid pro quo is fine, just make sure you’re everything about you screams “hire me, I’m your guy/gal!”
  6. Body Language is extremely important! You don’t want to be stiff, but you also don’t want to appear as though you’ve sunken into a Lay-Z-Boy. As before, be engaging with your interviewer – this is a small chance to “show” you want the position as oppose to merely speaking to that fact. If you get excited, show it (in a professional manner mind you) and in the end it will come across as though you are a truly interested candidate.
  7. Politics and religion aren’t appropriate conversational topics, stick to your attributes in relation to the position.anyquestions_600x300
  8. In closing, have meaningful questions. Don’t ask questions that can be found on the website (do your research beforehand) and questions regarding salary is quite taboo. I suggest not bringing up money, particularly in a first or even second round of interviews. This is usually negotiated once an offer is made and prior to you accepting. Questions I would suggest would be:
    a.     What types of skills is the team missing that you’re looking to fill with a new hire?
    b.     What are the performance expectations of this position over the first 12 months?
    c.     Where have successful employees previously in this position progressed to?
    d.     What’s your favorite part about working here?
    e.      Is there anything else I can provide you with that would be helpful?
  9. Thank the interviewer and shake their hand, be sincere and jovial.
  10. Be sure to get a card and email a thank you!

It may seem simple, but you’d be surprised how these rules go out the window when the butterflies start swirling and the nerves kick in. But if you can take these to heart and remember them, you’ll set a strong foundation for a great impression.


Hunter Richardson About the author