IT Tag

If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em…Right?

Actually, that’s not the reason I’m playing Pokémon Go along with a few hundred million of my favorite friends. But, I assume most people would guess that I, a CEO, full-time mom, (slightly) over-40 year old woman is only playing for that reason – if...

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Existing EMRs are Not the Panacea Some Think

According to Healthcare IT News, a recent report by the Center for Studying Health System Change showed that EMRs are not as helpful as hoped in enabling the exchange of information across physician practices and care settings. The study suggests a major disconnect between policy...

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Vivo, Inc. Launches

New name. New office. New offerings. New website. Needless to say, the last couple of months have been a little wild. After three successful years under the iTalent Solutions banner, we wanted to celebrate our growth by re-branding—taking a good, strong look at our past...

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