You’re Being Vague. Can You Tell Us What You Really Think?
This is too good not to share. One of our recruiters, innocently sent the following e-mail:
“Hi [name removed to protect the candidate],
I had sent this job description to you later last week and never heard back. I was wondering what you think and if you would be interested. Is there a good time early next week where we could discuss the details? Please review the description below so you can see which position I am referring to.
[Silly Recruiter] (Not his real name.)”
An hour and a half later, he received this in response,
“Let me see…
I have not done Java in 4 years because the jobs were crap (boring, working with people that do not speak English!
The job description is in San Jose and I HATE people from the South Bay!
I am a Flash Game developer (MUCH more interesting).
Java is dying because they gave all the jobs to [deleted racist comment] and the best talent has moved on! The father of Java left Oracle!
I would rather slit my wrists!
I not interested now, in the future , or in the past in crappy Java Jobs!
Did that answer your question [silly recruiter]? “
Whoa there buddy. Thanks for the laugh!