Network Routing and Switching Changes – What Are the Causes?
Since 2006 Vivo has been serving many types of clients ranging from Start Ups through Enterprise Fortune 100 companies and the need for solid Network Engineering talent remains steady. What’s the driving force?
The rapid pace of innovation and changes in LAN and WAN environments challenges IT daily. There is a clear evolution from traditional networking to distributed networking designs.
Not long ago, most network design was uniform. For example, data center environments followed fairly homogenous designs, while remote sites were handled by relatively low-tech infrastructure components.
But with the arrival of virtualization technologies, all has changed and has created the expansion of borderless networking. This in addition to economic changes is what’s driving changes to how IT architects and operates routing and switching infrastructure.
Virtualization has produced a high-bandwidth, high density environment, which pushes networking equipment to handle multiple protocols. In this process, traditional networking conventions are being replaced by newer ones.
Overall, new technologies offer tremendous opportunity for improved performance at lower costs; but the pace of change has made it an ongoing challenge for customers trying to keep up with what’s happening, and what’s possible.
BYOD, Bring Your Own Device is an example of processes driving network design. Not long ago there were only a few network-connected computing devices for one location, today there are individual devices for each user AND multiple mobile devices. BYOD also increases requirements for network access control, security and capacity. And many employees are telecommuting, which adds another set of essentially remote offices to the overall design causing more pressure than ever to have an outstanding networking team!
One of Vivo’s strengths is to provide clients with top notch network engineers and architects.
Please let us know if we can help you too!
Cindy Holmes, Business Development Manager, Vivo | cindy.holmes@vivoinc.com