10-second Resume Review
As recruiters, we review countless resumes on a daily basis. On any given day, the average corporate or agency recruiter reviews 100 to 200 resumes. This means, on average 5-10 seconds per resume is spent making the decision whether a candidate is worth contacting for open positions.
So, here are a few things that we look for in a resume when making the decision about whether or not the resume represents a viable candidate:
1. Presentation: spelling and grammar
2. Qualification: education/relevant skills
3. Measurable accomplishments
4. Employment history: Gaps in employment
5. Consistency: Resume vs. LinkedIn
6. Increasing/decreasing responsibility
7. Short term employment
8. Multiple career shifts
We all know that our candidates are more interesting and their backgrounds more relevant than that which can be represented on their resumes alone. But, with a 5-10 second review time, do yourself a favor and work out the kinks in your resume, so that you’re essentially making yourself more marketable. Stand out quickly, but for the right reasons!