BOLD LETTERING: Do’s and Don’ts

BOLD LETTERING: Do’s and Don’ts


When it comes to composing your resume, a lot of guidelines are out there. There are different styles, formats, titles used, dates needed, etc.  But one thing that is never truly defined is when to make words bold and when not to. There are two rules to follow that will help your resume look more professional when it is submitted to a possible employer.

  1. DO bold your name, contact information and the headings sections on your resume (e.g., education, employment history, awards, certifications, etc.)
  2. DON’T bold words throughout your resume that relate to the skillset needed for a certain position for which you are applying.

Following these two basic rules makes your resume clean and easy to read. It also encourages the person reviewing your resume to look more closely at your accomplishments and the details of your past employment. When someone is reviewing you for a job opening, the way your resume looks can make it or break it for you. Don’t automatically get rejected by being “bold” and standing out in all the wrong ways.

Nicole About the author